Welcome to my blog, I am a student at Blaketown School in Greymouth, New Zealand.
Hello! Do you want to draw better? Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here is my step-by-step procedure to show you the way!
First, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and coloured pens/pencils of your choice.
Step one: Head. Draw a U.
Step two: hair. Make whatever kind of hair that you want!
Step three: Face. Give them a face that shows their personality!
Step four: neck. Draw two lines under the chin and then make the end of the neck.
Step five: Torso. Make a sort of shape that is a rectangle, but the top of it is pointy.
Step six: arms. draw some kind of upside down U for the sleeves and then just make the arms go down until it hits the waist.
(sorry I’m drawing digitally so it doesn’t look the best but it’s ok!)
Step seven: the hands. Ok, this can get pretty tricky. just watch closely and try to copy. First, you need to make a palm, so just do another upside down U, then add the fingers!
continue to do that on the other arm (make sure the thumb is the closest finger to the torso).
step eight: Legs.
okay you’ve come this far! Good Job! Now we need to make the legs. To make the left leg is really simple. Just make two lines down (except you need to make the right line apart from the bottom line of the torso).
Then, we need to make the crotch, just make a short line going from the right line to some thin air! like this:
After that, we just need to make the right leg!
Okay! now we can take a look at our guy!
Hmmm… there’s something missing… what’s the word? shoes was it?
Step nine: shoes.
To make the shoes, first we need to add the bottom line to the pants.
Now we can make the shoes, for my characters, I like to give them a kind of point at the back of the shoe, like a weird high heel, here’s the steps:
Do the same with the other shoe.
NOW! let’s see what it looks like!
Hmm… It’s still missing something… I know what it needs! COLOUR AND ACCESSORIES!
This is the final step, and it’s the best step yet! now you can get creative, do whatever you want with him! give him any colour, any accessories! The choice is yours!
And it’s done! I hope you found this helpful! I also hope it looks a lot better on paper than it does on the computer… Once you’re done with your character, you can even give it Their own story! You can give him an awesome backstory, incredible powers, and also LOTS OF ACTION!
My name is Ethan, and I hope you Enjoyed!