Tuesday, 12 May 2020

How I coped with lockdown

Hi, my name is Ethan and this is my story of Covid-19.
When I was 12 years old, my country went into lockdown due to a very bad and tragic disease.
My mother actually put my family in lockdown a day before the entire country got put in lockdown, which I thought was a pretty funny coincidence. I felt kind of happy about all this because I thought it was for the best and I never really thought about what was happening so I wouldn’t panic.
When I wasn’t doing school work I started to crave peanut butter on toast and lollies and I also binged watched my favourite shows like the Simpsons and stuff like that.
This became a habit and I kept on doing it. I had a daily routine.
  1. Wake up
  2. Eat breakfast
  3. Go on my phone
  4. Go on my swing
  5. Repeat number 3 and 4 for the rest of the day
  6. Go to bed.
It was pretty unhealthy but me doing this was the only way that would clear my mind about everything that is happening.
I started getting very territorial with my room. When my sister would come in, I would think about her breaking all my stuff and I would block my door with a bed so she wouldn’t get in. Luckily this stopped halfway through the lockdown.
I also started counting the days when I was in lockdown but I gave up after week 3.
When we actually started getting normal school work from our teacher it made me happy because I had something to keep me busy! And with all this time I had at home, I started to have really vivid dreams. I found out that most people were having dreams like mine! If I wanted to describe my dreams it would be like, I was trapped in my mind and I felt as if I had nobody… I almost felt like a ghost. I couldn’t decide if I was dreaming or if I was in real life. I got my answer when I would wake up.
I started to play games with friends and keep in touch with them on my phone so it made me happy that I had somebody to talk to!
My routine started to get better as I no longer craved peanut butter but I think the lollie craving was just normal as I was a child. I started to wake up and go on hangouts with my class and it would always make me happy that I was having social events!

It made me glad when we started to move down to level two! My mum has a boyfriend and he has two kids Ry and Lily and they are like family to me! When we were in lockdown, I couldn’t see them so I was really happy when I finally got to see them again! My life got much better after we started moving down levels because I could spend the nights at my grandparents again and see Ry and Lily again! I never thought that I would be so affected by all of this, it was a crazy adventure! I am writing this while I am in lockdown and I hope to be at school next week!


  1. Ethan this is AMAZING WORK I read it out on the hangout this morning. (I was hoping you would come on to read it as its a very good example. You need to fix this blog I will send you some instructions to sort it out so that it doesn't run over.

  2. Well done Ethan , this was really interesting to read about what you have been doing during lock down.


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